It's been busy around here, with a slew of corn heads shipping out in time for harvest.
This 18 row 30"corn head comes in at 45' long, making it the world's largest rigid corn head.
If you look closely, you'll see the new ICF crop sweeper for down corn (silver frame on top) which will get some poly sweeper fingers put on it, before it takes to the field.
You'll also see the black end row augers that direct the crop into the cutting blades, and capture overhanging corn.
With the ICF sweeper, end row augers and massive capacity, this is a fully-loaded, "ready-for-anything" machine.
It took about 10 of us to push this along on a wheeled frame, over to the loading dock.
Getting it on a truck takes a steady hand, and steely nerves--not to mention an overhead crane.
Hat's off to Larry Reynolds, pictured here, for driving this down to Ziegler's in Jackson, MN in plenty of time to get prepped for this year's harvest.